Lifestyle Changes to Manage Lower Back Pain

Lifestyle Changes to Manage Lower Back Pain

Lower back pain is most often a symptom of another condition. If taken care of, the condition will get better. While it does go away in most cases, sometimes, it tends to recur. This persistent pain and discomfort can be frustrating. What is important to note is that you can make certain lifestyle changes to reduce lower back pain.

Here are a few such tips that will certainly make a difference:

1. The importance of a regular diet
Healthy eating is not only important for people with certain conditions but is significant for everyone. Obese or overweight people can more often suffer from lower back pain. Therefore, a diet that is nutritionally rich and balanced will go a long way in keeping you within the healthy weight range. Stick to a well-balanced diet as one of the lifestyle changes to reduce lower back pain.

2. Strengthen your back with exercise
A good posture and strong muscles can help you get control over lower back pain. Exercises that focus on balance can help correct your posture, bringing relief to your lower back. On the other hand, gradually working on your back muscles will help build strength. Make sure you avoid sitting for long hours, as this puts pressure on your lower back.

3. Learning how to lift
The biggest problem for most people is that they do not lift correctly. As you pick boxes or things around your home or office, make sure you use your legs to lift rather than your back. If you are not sure about the right technique, speak to a chiropractor or a physical trainer who can guide you on the correct way to lift weights.

4. What you eat and how you sleep or sit matters
Ensure you include healthy portions of fruits, vegetables, lean meat, and good fats in your daily diet. Include anti-inflammatory foods as they can help with the pain and swelling you may feel in the back. Check your mattress, as it may be the culprit for your lower back pain. Instead, use a mattress that provides enough support for your spine. Finally, paying attention to the need for an ergonomic chair, the level of your laptop’s monitor, and the seating position are all lifestyle changes to reduce lower back pain.

5. Think about taking supplements
It is important to get sufficient vitamin D throughout the day. You can get this through supplements, food, or the sun. Vitamin D is important for your bones, especially the health of your spine. It is also important to keep habits, such as smoking, at bay. Studies show that smoking can reduce blood flow to your spine, affecting your overall health.

Employ these lifestyle changes to reduce lower back pain and gain control over your health.